my FRIDGE!! :D


Wednesday, December 26, 2007


oh my!! my christmas was GREAT!!!
so it started christmas eve. we went over to my grandparents' house (well currently my uncle's since they are in hawaii on a mission for our church lucky!!) and had our "Christmas Brunch for Dinner" meal. First all my little cousins acted out the navity scene while I read the scriptures. Then we had our music program. We had our brunch with all our family's specialities--my dad's cinnamon rolls, my uncle Steven's omlets, and my uncle Don's biscuits and gravy. After we hooked up a web cam and talked/watched my grandparents in Hawaii and we played our christmas music. It was quite entertaining to watch my little cousins go up to the computer and shake their heads and stick out their tongues at my grandparents!!!!!!!!! =P haha Then we went home (with headaches lol) and put out our stockings, read some scriptures, and the girls wrote letters to Santa. Then me and my parents watched National Treasure (love that movie and cant wait to see the 2nd!!!) Then I went to sleep right away thank goodness and woke up when Amanda came up singing we wish you a merry christmas luckily at nine haha...then we all walked in to see what Santa brought us. its become a recent tradition of santa's to get my stuff that actually fits in my stocking so i'm always surprising till the last second. Santa brought me Jordin Sparks CD (im currently listening to it I LOVE IT--Kacy, i'll make you a copy if you didnt get it lol), Taylor Swift CD/DVD of music videos, an Itunes gift card, Pride and Prejudice (new verison) and Sense and Sensibility + a bunch of candy. Amanda made me this really cute bracelet!!! It says i love you megan on it and its sooo cute!! My secret Santa cousin gave me TWILIGHT AND NEW MOON!!!!!!! I'm already done with Twilight i LOVE that book!!!!! My parents gave me ECLIPSE (yes i now have all of them!! lol), two shirts, a bathing suit for Hawaii, bunco (lol), and A NEW CELL PHONE!!!!! Yes finally that old thing is GONE!!! lol I now have the pink razor which I love and have lots of cute pictures of my cousin D.C. who loves me!!! My grandparents gave me a Hawaiian key chain which says my name in hawaiian and a pair of turtle earrings. But the best gift that my grandparents gave to every family is that THEY ARE PAYING FOR THE TRIPS TO VISIT THEM!!!!!!!!!! Which means........I'M GOING TO HAWAII TWICE!!!!!!!!! Not to brag or anything =]] But it's cool cause some of my mom's sisters were a little jealous that we were going but oh my it costs my grandparents a lot!!! Some other "cool" family gifts were Hairspray, an Aladdin doll (hahah Chelsea now she doesnt have to pretend she can play with him!!!!!!! hahah), and a toaster oven. its HUGE lol it has TWO comparments and oh wow its big lol.
So then we went over at 3 to my aunt Kerri's and Uncle Don's house in Saugus. We had yummy appeatizer (the favorite was some shrimp lol it was entertaining to watch my cousins try to peal off the shell and some just take a bite before peeling it!!!!!!!! hahahaha well yeah we didn't really inform them until *after* they took a bite haha......then we had was good I guess but seemed too much like Thanksgiving dinner so it got a little old lol. My uncle had fried a turkey which tasted kinda least I didn't like then we hung out for a while, my parents and aunts and uncles played the Wii while I experimented with my new phone and oh my gosh. My little cousin Don Curtis (D.C. for short) is soooo cute!! He would come up to me in a higher voice and say Hi Megan!!! Like every 5 or so minutes!!!! Then we were reading Thomas hahah it was soooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then we finally left with more headaches (i get one every family gathering.....?? lol)

Me and my parents finished National Treasure. and yeah that was my christmas!!!!!!!!!

it was soooooooooooooooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!!! =]

well that was basically my christmas.........

yeeeeah the year's almost over!!!!!!!!!!!! =]]